We’ve gathered the best mental health resources from across the creative industry to support your wellbeing.
General Guides ?
Wales TUC: Toolkits and Resources
Wales TUC has produced a number of toolkits that can be used in the workplace to assist with various areas of equality, education and environmental issues.
A mental health hub for men in Wales, providing links to resources, local support and services.
An online community to share your feelings, support each other, and start to feel better.
Creative Unions ?
Bectu’s guide to what work-related stress is and how you and your employer can help you reduce it.
Writers’ Guild of Great Britain
Mental health resources and links to support from the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain
Wellbeing Practice and Training for Musicians
Find out about Musicians’ Union’s Feldenkrais sessions, yoga and meditation tailored for musicians.
Musicians’ Union: What Is Being Done To Help? – Mental Health Support For Musicians
Musicians suffer more mental ill health than the general population, yet their lifestyles make them harder to support. The industry is now acting to provide mental health support for musicians.
Musicians’ Union: Stress Advice for Musicians
Advice on stress and performer-specific resources from BAPAM.
Music ?
The Bulletproof Musician
A wellbeing and performance psychology blog for musicians, created by a professional musician.
The Arts?
Theatre Art Life
Mental Health Tips for Performers in a Post-Pandemic World: a guide by Theatre Art Life
Writing ?
The AOI -The Association of Illustrators:
A mental health guide for creative freelancers from the Association of Illustrators.
The Society of Authors
Resources from the Society of Authors to help you look after yourself, especially when you’re working intensively or alone, or when financial or other pressures are getting too much.
Writing and your mental health: top tips from Penguin’s authors and editors on how to look after yourself when immersed in a project.
Film/TV ?
The Whole Picture Toolkit
What is a mentally healthy production? A guide by The Whole Picture Toolkit.
Media guidelines – mental health on screen: Mind’s guidelines to help you to create authentic and accurate storylines about mental health.